The synchronicities in life always astound me. I have been really struggling to find the words to write about my second word for 2013 – balance.
I smile at myself. I breathe in and out. I am balanced.
I need to rethink what balance means to me. It is so obvious. I expressed my desire to slow down, I had a fall as I was off or out of balance and I have been considering which way now. All this comes back to my sense of balance in my own life.
I went to my yoga class this morning, only to hear my teacher say that the class today is all about balance. Talk about messages from the universe! Loud and clear!!
I struggled more than usual with this theme in class today. Of course, I did. I am not surprised as thoughts about balance has been so present with me over the last few days. To overcome my out-of-balanced self, I grounded myself, stood strong, breathed in and out; and did the best I could. And the biggest part of it all was that I accepted that perhaps I am a little off balance right now; and that’s ok.
Smile. Breathe. Balance.
Following my own flow, I will write about balance more another time as I am not ready yet. I will allow what inspires me to flow the way it will. That’s life, isn’t it.
My soulsister A reminded me very gently and kindly that we need to feel what out-of- balance is, to know exactly what in-balance is to us and what it means in our lives. I am grateful to her for sharing that wisdom.
The universe is powerful, and if we follow her flow and listen to her guidance, we will find what we seek. And so it is. We just need to be open to accepting it.
Do you have any thoughts about balance?
with gratitude, Delicia x