I woke up in the middle of the night last night to hear the raindrops crashing down loudly. It is glorious to hear the full force of Mother Nature and to know that I am warm and safe all tucked up in bed. What a delicious feeling to simply be able to roll over and go back to sleep knowing I still have time. Time to dream. Time to sleep. Time to listen to the raindrops as they drummed out their reminders to me of how vital the healing power of water is to all life and me.
There is a moment this morning that I reflect on how important choice and perspective is. One can choose to kiss the rain and enjoy its natural beauty or one can be disappointed that it is raining and the spring chakras are all a little wet today. Did I mention a little grey as well? Choice and perspective, that is all it is.
Breathe in and out. Choose your perspective. Kiss the rain.
I choose to kiss the rain today. I choose to feel the healing energy of water in my life. Water brings with it the power to cleanse, nurture and rejuvenate; to hydrate, feed and sustain all life and us. The power to keep us alive, to help plants grow and animals survive, and to bring joy into our lives as we frolic or relax in it. I know this is so simple and obvious, yet a large part of gratitude for me is being grateful for the obvious. That is the stuff we take for granted and expect to have, often forgetting how infinitely blessed we are to receive it.
Thank you for sharing a small part of my gratitude practice with me this morning and holding this space for me. Remember to take a few moments now and remind yourself of everything you are grateful for. Don’t forget the obvious stuff. And yes, a few moments is all it will take! Then write it down or share it with someone. If you like, you can share it here in this space.
Breathe. Choose. Kiss the rain.
Kissing the rain is inspired by this piece of music by Yiruma called Kiss the rain. His sounds accompany me often and I am grateful to my soulsister A. for sharing it with me. I share my kissing the rain photographs on Instagram regularly.
What choice do you make to see things a little differently?
with gratitude for sharing this space with me, Delicia x