The healing power of water

the healing power of water

I love water as much as I love trees. Ok, there are many things that I love in nature, so it is fair to say I love all the many aspects and seasons of Mother Nature.

After my reflection on trees in my post last week, I realized how often I seek out water just to feel the power of it. I actually get edgy when I haven’t been near or in water for a while. February really has been a month of reflecting on love, commitment and self-love for me. And I recognize again just how vital Mother Nature is to my journey and in my daily life.

Take a breath. Relax yourself. And feel the water washing over you.

Water cleanses, heals and nurtures my soul like nothing else. Yes, as a Virgo and an earth sign, I like to be grounded and feel my feet firmly on the ground. I am drawn to the earth in many ways. I love the beauty of the mountains, getting my hands dirty planting a plant, hugging a tree or just lying on the grass and feeling Mother Earth gently wrap her arms around me.

But water, oh that touches my soul and my feelings. No surprise, as water is the element of feelings and relates to our emotional sensitivity and intuition.

I explore water in a variety of ways and each brings healing power into my life. I have been drawn to water a lot lately and I hope one of these ideas inspire you too:

  • making sure I drink enough water as keeping hydrated is both healthy and helps to detox my body – we are, after all, mostly water
  • relaxing in a warm bath and letting my senses relax along with my body
  • diving into a refreshingly cold pool and swimming to my hearts content
  • floating and just letting go (of everything) – this is one of my favourite ways to relax in water
  • wallowing in a thermal pool and allowing the heated water to ease my muscles and my soul
  • and, inspired by a soulbrother, to visualize the cleansing effects of a strong shower seeing all that I no longer need swirling down the drain and away from me
  • watching the rain fall and enjoying kissing the rain as it feeds the earth again and gives us life
  • sitting at the edge of the water and allowing the stillness of the moment to carry me away…

Breathe. Relax. Feel the water energy.

Water cleanses, heals and nurtures me and brings me peace.

How does water feature in your life? Have you had your glass of water today yet? 😉

with healing light, Delicia