August break day 28 to 31

august break day 28to31

Smell. Your fave thing. Sign. Smile.  

Spring is finally here and it even feels like it as the temperatures warm up. The end of August and the August Break (inspired by Susannah Conway) happened so quickly. It was such fun to share photographs and be inspired by others.

And so I end the August Break with my fave thing – life! New life and day old ducklings being shown off by mommy duck!

After 31 days of finding a photo to tell a story without words, I will really miss the challenge of the prompts and the fun in discovering a way to convey my message whilst travelling and without words.

I do have some exciting photos and stories from my travels to share over the next few weeks though. So watch this space. 😊 And of course, I still share photographs daily on Instagram.

What prompt/word/photo was your favourite and why? I would love to hear your thoughts, so leave a reply in the comments section below. Thank you!

simply sharing, Delicia x


If you wish to browse the photos again to decide which you liked best, you can find them here:
August Break day 24 to 27
August Break day 20 to 23
August Break day 17 to 19
August Break day 13 to 16
August Break day 9 to 12
August Break day 5 to 8
August Break day 1 to 4