My senses have been inspired by these simple pleasures:
sight : the lovely view from the plane window as I was flying over South Africa. The colours! The clouds! The freedom! Freedom is a feeling, a state of mind and a way of living. I feel my freedom when I am travelling, meditating, doing yoga and breathing. This is not a complete list and I could add many more freedom moments. 🙂
What are your freedom moments? Stop. Breathe in and out. And think about it.
sound : the soothing sound of Max purring her unconditional kitty love and hello to me at night.
taste : as a vegetarian I adore mushrooms and was treated to two divine creations – a yummy warm mushroon salad (from a Giorgio Locatelli recipe) and a medley of exotic simply fried mushrooms.
smell : oh that smell of fresh garlic frying gently in the olive oil before the mushrooms hit the pan. Sizzle!
touch : feeling my feet on my mat and grounding myself after two long flights.
energy : I could feel the energy potential of this weekend while I was reading this blog post from Sarah Varcas. In her words: ‘This weekend the cosmos speaks of an opportunity to perceive a level of existence rarely available to us.’. Her words ring true and carry such wonderful energy. It is really worth a read and taking note! I definitely will be putting it to good use. 😉 Thank you, Sarah!
last words : I can relate to Saul Leiter’s (American photographer and painter) words. In order to build a career and to be successful, one has to be determined. One has to be ambitious. I much prefer to drink coffee, listen to music and to paint when I feel like it.
Wishing you a weekend of fun and energy.
What has inspired your senses simply this week?
simply sharing, Delicia x