Here comes 2014…

table mountain my grounding view


As 2013 comes to a close I am reflecting on my three words for the year past – simplicity, balance and stillness.

I am quietly thinking about how they formed part of my year, where I walked closely with them and where the gaps were larger. My intentions were always to have them near. It is a process of being gentle with myself as I reflect on all that 2013 has brought into my life – the joys, the challenges, the changes, the moments, the laughs, the tears. And I am extremely grateful for all that came my way!

Smile. Breathe. And go slowly.

At the same time I am looking forward to what 2014 may bring to my side and considering which three words should accompany me for the next 365 days. This takes time to feel what I need. It takes time to listen to my soul and my heart and my body. I have to trust my intuition and feelings. (And I will share more about these in the New Year. 😉 )

A little something that inspired me from my soulsister E. that I would like to share forward. I will hold this little quote closely in 2014. I really enjoy Brene Brown‘s work and plan to read her book Daring Greatly in the new year. I hear great things!

‘Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.’ – Brene Brown

Added to this, I found this post from Sarah Varcas about discerning the path ahead particularly relevant as I approach 2014.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a continued happy festive season and a joyful New Year!

May you step gently into 2014 and may it bring you all the magic and happiness you so deserve.

Smile. Breathe. Slowly.

Have you given any thought to what your desires for 2014 are?

with champagne bubbles and laughter, Delicia x