We hold the key



In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.    Jiddu Krishnamurti


I have a lot on my mind this week. Admittedly, those that know me, may say I always have a lot on my mind. Smile! And yes, perhaps sometimes I worry and analyze a bit to much. Well a lot! This I have accepted as part of who I am and what makes me me. Even though I accept it, I do try to lighten the load and work with it more. I consciously find my stillness and flip the switch on my brain as often as I can. And it does get easier.

Breathe in. Feel the trust. And breathe out.

I have a few decisions to make. I know that the only path to those decisions is through myself, my higher self. She who knows all the answers (for me). And to listen to her, I have to find my still spot. Being on my mat is one of my ways of finding my still spot. Another is by meditating. And yet another is by allowing everyday beauty to inspire me.

I could also look at my beautiful cards, chat to a soulsister, seek expert advice or just decide on a whim, but none of these methods will give me a better answer than the one I find within. I want ‘my’ answer. The answer that I can live with. One that moves me, fills my soul and speaks to me. Mostly, I want an answer I am happy to live with, commit to and one that is true to me.

I know that I need to trust my inner feelings and my gut. Then I need to follow the flow, so that when that special moment of knowing makes itself felt, I fully embrace it.

If I am a little still here and elsewhere, it is because I am enjoying my stillness and listening to my higher self and the universe.

Breathe. Trust. Breathe.

Do you have a way to find ‘your’ answers? Please share your thoughts here.

with stillness, Delicia