
Everyone needs a soulsister * or sister (brother) of their soul. Someone to share things with, someone who understands you without you needing to explain a thing and someone who inspires you to be more of you.

I am blessed to have many soulsisters and soulbrothers in my life and I am grateful to each one of you for sharing such special moments in my life with me.

This is a special space to create, to share, to inspire and to understand more. As I take my steps day by day, this space will grow and evolve too. Where am I going with it? Just enjoying the present moment. It’s an exciting adventure and mostly, it’s just real life!

And along the way, if a soulsister or soulbrother finds simple happiness by spending time here with me, my heart would be more happy and my feet would dance even more. Perhaps, a salsa!

I hope I can spread a smile, touch a heart or inspire a connection. So if you feel like it, walk with me, explore and have some fun along the way, too. I’d be so honoured to work with you too.

Thank you, soulsister, soulbrother, for taking the time to connect here with me. I look forward to meeting you in this space and time!

And as a parting thought, who are your soulsisters and soulbrothers in your life?

with love, light and laughter, Delicia xxx

*** I am using the term soulsister rather loosely and it also means soulbrother. I have a few of those too 😉 . It is not exclusively female but rather the feminine energy that we all have within us.